Information Gathering Project

Hi, everyone!

Below is the analysis of a survey of Media Preferences among Young Adult Students in Accessing the News for my Information Gathering Project. Please kindly check it out and feel free to give feedbacks.

Thank you!


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This is my information gathering project as one of my IT class project assignment. Mine is about Media Preferences among Young Adult Students in Accessing the News. I had to conduct a survey using google form, then, I analyzed the results using spreadsheet, also, I need to provide some explanation from what I got based on the information gathered. The survey I did was intended to find out whether there was still interest in reading the news between 17-25 years old who were students, besides, I also wanted to find out what type of media they preferred to access the news. From the survey, I got 120 respondents. I organized the data using my spreadsheet skills, with some formulas that have been learned in class. At first, I found it difficult to combine two information about the amount of time that these students spent on accessing the news and how often they access the news in a week. Finally, I could do that with pivot table. Regarding the infographic, I used canva to create it. To visualize the data to be more appealing and understandable, I used some charts. Finally, I embedded them to my portfolio.
